To Customers and Owners of the CD-EMIGRANTEN

At the publication of DATABASEN CD-EMIGRANTEN (the database CD-The Emigrant), Number 1 in 1996 it was promised that a new corrected and updated version would be sent free of charge to the buyers in 1997-98.

The american version of the CD-EMIGRANTEN CD 1-2/2001 is now ready.
  • correction of obvious misspellings and wrong registrations in EMIHAMN , EMIBAS-GOTEBORG and EMISJÖ
  • follow-up of the databases referring to the years 1930-1950
  • follow-up of the database EMIHAMN with lists from Helsingborg and also some lists from Norrköping and Stockholm
  • emigrants registered in the passport list found in the Navy's pension funds 1817-1850 in Krigsarkivet (the War Archives)
  • SCB's (Statistical Central Administration) summary reports of the population found in Riksarkivet (the Swedish National Archives): lists of emigrants 1851-1860
  • emigrants in the passport registration untill 1860
  • the archives of Svenska Amerika Linjen in Landsarkivet, Goteborg, passenger lists 1915-1950
  • the register of members of Vasa Order
  • made for windows, better layout, quicker searching, illustrations and an English version
For those who don't have version 1 of the CD-EMIGRANTEN it´s possible to buy CD 1-2/2001-American version for 70 USD. Orders can be made by e-mail:
